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Using Transfers stream on can receive notifcations about transfer of tokens on chains like Ethereum, Arbitrum etc.

Supported Networks:

  • Ethereum mainnet
  • Arbitrum

The transfers stream has below filters: alt_text

Filter Parameters

Filter TypeDescription
ChainChain on which the token is deployed. eg. Ethereum, Arbitrum etc.
Wallet AddressList of wallets you want to track (optional).
Transfer directionIn, out or both.
Token addressToken address you want to track.
OperatorsLess then, more than or equal to a specific amount

If no wallet is provided, all transfers of the token will be streamed

Message Params


Stream NameReturns the name of the stream
TokenReturns the token transacted
FromReturns the sender's wallet
ToReturns the receiver's wallet
ChainReturns the chain
Date & Time AddressesReturns the date and time of the transaction
Txn linkReturns the scan link of the transfer